3 min readMar 26, 2021


AsslamoAlikum dear fellows!
Here is my first blog ,i am going to publish it,😍
Well, i am writing about act of kindness a task given by Amal Academy it’s very interesting let me explain😉
So, today morning i keep some fruit in my kitchen window ,i often keep here some fruit for birds .
So today i keep sone apple pieces and you can see many of pieces hasneen eaten by birds so only few left here.i feel so glad when i see birds eating the fruit actually this is a beautiful act of kindness ,actually i don’t want to show that what i am going to do but it was my task so i liked to show gou how i revealed my love for birds!!

There’s s another view of a lunch i made three dishes for guests, i love cooking ,so i thought why i cannot make something to make my time valuable, also one more thinking about my mother so let to make her work be small!😜❣️
It’s also an act of kindness well you can aldo do it for make your time interesting, anyways it is not just some dishes but an affection of my devotion also on this table🍻🍽lets enjoy with goodtaste!

Here’s a glass of juice I made for my mother.
It has good taste😍 I am not appreciating myself so don’t consider it okay😂 well I just made it for her to show my love for her..that’s unexplained!
I feel so good whenever I do this kind of activity!🌺🍻☺️.

You can see in this picture balloon , i did’t capture it to glimpse you to see it😂but i am going to tell you that i was playing with my little cousin because there was no one who was agree to play with herso sometime i have to become a 3 years old little child 👶 to play with a child of my age✊🌷
I am telling you to spare some time for this kind of work for your mental peace 😍🤗.

[26/03 12:26 pm] Tayyaba⚡: I hope you like my activity if you like it then do something like this or tell me how to improve it or tell my other kind of kindness behaviour .i would like if you share your thoughts with me.💓
[26/03 12:27 pm] : Tayyaba kanwal

